The two words sound old fashioned and archaic; The calming words of a parent to their small child, “Don’t be afraid, my precious child”, might be a better expression as these words are intended to be just that, God’s words of reassuring calm.
Join us as we discover God’s greatest act of love, so unbelievably true that He needs to reassure us, “Don’t be afraid my precious children! I am with you, now and always! What I am about to do may frighten you, but do not be afraid. I have overcome this world!”
Follow our journey this Christmas on the calendar below, or if you wish to download a pdf copy, click on this link 2015 ADVENT:Christmas
“Fear Not! Your prayer is being answered!”
“Fear Not! Gospel messengers at work!”
“Fear Not! My covenant with you, is my guarantee”
(Carol service)
Christmas Eve Midnight Service
Last Sunday in 2015 – “WHY don’t you have faith?”