Many of us have this view of an angry God, who does not suffer fools; a cross between a stern judge seated on a high bench dishing out painful punishment, and a Divine Bouncer, in whose hands is the power to decide who in the line at the door, gets in to the eternal rave party, and who doesn’t! Does God really care for us? Does God really hear prayer and answer?
Starting in Sepetmber though to the Sunday before Advent in November, we shall examine the relationship between God the Father and Jesus His Son, as revealed to us in the prayers of Jesus. Who better would know God the Father, than His Son Jesus our Christ? After all, Jesus did say, I and my Father are One, and The only way to the Father is through me.
We pray this series will help “lance the boil” and release the poisonous ideas about God many Christians have about Him, and allow the healing to put us on the right track to a positive relationship with Him.
November 19 10. Learning to pray from Jesus'
"Great Priestly Prayer"
November 05 9. Celebration too is Prayer!
(Church Anniversary Service)
October 22 8. Praying ONE Word!
October 15 7. Pray with Confidence
October 08 6. "Be Still and Know that I AM God!"
October 01 5. Temptation - what is it
and how do we deal with it?
September 24 4. What should we expect when we pray?
September 17 3. What do we pray for?
September 10 2. To Whom do we pray?
September 03 1. Why Should we Pray?