1 and 2 Timothy

Church leadership, the pastor, deacons, elders, worship leaders, appointed teachers, are part of the “church order”, through whom God wants to protect the congregation from false teaching. It is  imperative for the pastor/minister, deacons and/or elders, other leaders and teachers, to be finely tuned to God’s ways, His laws and His plans, that together, they discern the mind of Christ, learn His ways and complement the pastor/minister’s ministry to the congregation and the wider community.

Paul’s first letter to Timothy, his “true child in the faith” is a wonderful document to learn about “church order”.  In June, proposed names to be elected Deacons will be received; it is our prayer, this study will help focus our attention on the seriousness of the task ahead, and undergird our thoughts with the mind of Christ.


 The Resurrection Life 1 – into the unknown with the Holy Spirit

 The Resurrection Life 2 – God at work in you, before He works through you

 The Resurrection Life 3  – Worship is the heart of the Church

 The Resurrection Life 4 – The Church is at the centre of God’s heart!  It is after all, the body of Christ!

 The Resurrection Life 5 – Pentecost releases us to lead a Godly life and be a witness for Christ 

 The Resurrection Life 6 – Intercessory Prayer

 The Resurrection Life 7 – Not Ashamed of the Gospel 

 The Resurrection Life 8 – Encourage as you have been encouraged

 The Resurrection Life 9 – Faithfully Keep and Proclaim the Word

 The Resurrection Life 10 – Importance of Godly Leadership

 The Resurrection Life 11 – Kingdoms in Conflict: Tension between the world & The Kingdom

 The Resurrection Life 12 – End of the Road – Ready & Waiting

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