2018 is a year of transition for us. Transition means change, and change is always difficult. Journey with us as we prayerfully consider what God would have us do, to BE His Church here in Botley.
December 30 Membership has its Privilges
December 25 What happened on Christmas Day?
December 24 Christmas Eve - And how would YOU respond?
December 23 Advent 4 - Worship in Awestruck Praise
The Shepherds
December 16 Advent 3 - Obedience through Humility
Life of Joseph
December 09 Advent 2 - Worship in Innocence
Life of Mary
December 02 Advent 1 - Worship in Awesome Silence
The lives of Zechariah and Elisabeth
November 25 Revd Dave Llewellyn, Regional Minister
Southern Counties' Baptist Association, on Hebews 12:1-3
November 18 Revd Hedley Feast (former Mininster)
November 11 "Blessed are the Peacemakers,
for they shall be called the "Children of God"
Message by Revd K. Das at Ao Baptist Church, Kohima, Nagaland
on 11 November, 2018
November 04 Revd Hedley Feast (former Mininster)
October 28 NEHEMIAH 9 - "Effective Prayer" -
What moves the heart of God?
October 21 NEHEMIAH 8 - "Remember me, O God..."
October 14 NEHEMIAH 7 - Worship in the House of our God
October 07 NEHEMIAH 6 - The Word of God at Work
September 30 NEHEMIAH 5 - Spies, Lies and Surprises
September 23 NEHEMIAH 4 - Trouble from Within
September 16 NEHEMIAH 3 - Trouble from the Outside
September 09 NEHEMIAH 2 - Taking Risks in Prayer
September 02 NEHEMIAH 1 - Introduction: Burdened to Pray
August 05 The Building Blocks of the Church - 8/8
The Body of Christ - Witnessing and Proclaiming
July 15 The Building Blocks of the Church - 7/8
The Body of Christ - Giving and Receving
July 01 The building Blocks of the Church - 6/8
The Body of Christ - Membership and Belonging
June 24 The Building Blocks of the Church - 5/8
The Body of Christ - Fellowship
June 17 The Building Blocks of the Church - 4/8
How the Aposltes and Disciples prayed
June 10 The Building Blocks of the Church - 3/8
What Jesus tagught us about prayer
June 03 The Building Blocks of the Church - 2/8
The Work of the Holy Spirit
May 27 The Building Blocks of the Church - 1/8
Introducing the Holy Spirit
May 20 When a Church builds a building...
May 13 Waiting: a waste of time or an investment in time?
May 06 Preparing for Pentecost
April 22 Forgiveness is at the Heart of Easter
April 15 So! What was Easter all about?
April 08 You Will Never Walk Alone (on the road to Emmaus)
April 01 Easter - Seeing is Believing. Fact or Fiction?
March 25 Do you worship Jesus as King?
(Palm Sunday)
March 18 God IS Love; therefore, we must love
March 11 Love in Action (Mothering Sunday)
March 04 Righteousness is Law-ful; Sin is Law-less-ness
(1 John 3:4-10)
February 25 The second of two dangers - beware the antichrists!
February 18 The first of two dangers - the world and its value systems
(1 John 2:15-17)
February 11 Walking in the Light (1 John 1:1 - 2:14)
February 04 Would you Trust an Old Man? Trust this Old Man
January 14 When a Church builds a building ... ALL Heaven rejoices!
The Christmas story has not yet ended. See what sruprises it has in store for us before we dive into the new year
January 07 What God has planned, He will achieve