Look up the word CHURCH in any dictionary, and in almost all popular ones, you will read words to the effect, “a building used for public Christian worship“.
The world sees the Church as a building, but the Bible teaches us that THE CHURCH is not bricks-and-mortar, it is people, gathered by Jesus the Christ, as His body, a living and life-giving body of special members (don’t think club), gifted and tasked to play a special role in God’s work in the world. The Apostle Paul told the Church gathered in Corinth, YOU are the body of Christ, and individually members of it (found in his first letter to the church at Corinth:)
Being one body, the Church gathers itself as it comes together for worship, fellowship, teaching, prayer and encouragement in the faith they share in common (found in a letter to the Hebrew people, ), that Jesus came to us as the Son of God, opening the door to a restored relationship with God the Father, in eternity, for eternity.
CHRISTIANS are people who are the body of Christ, living the Word of God in the world. Christians are not naturally Holy people, but they are made Holy by their personal faith in the work of Christ on the cross. This faith is expressed in many ways, including expressions of kindness, compassion, helpfulness, generosity, hospitality, concern and care, and other acts and actions which meet the needs of other human beings who are also created by God, in His image.
This does not come easily nor naturally for many of us. At Jesus’ request, therefore, God released the HOLY SPIRIT to focus His efforts exclusively on protecting, empowering and guiding us, to work alongside Him in completing the work of God on earth.
As a living organism, the church gathers and scatters like the rhythm of a heartbeat, being refreshed and fed at its gathering, and distributing fresh nutrients in its scattering, to parts of the body in need.
There is so much more to learn!
Come and join us as we explore and learn together, how we can make sense of this world, and our lives in it!